3 ways to be more authentic in front of the camera | Tri-Cities, WA branding photographer

Being in front of the camera comes naturally to a lot of people who grew up with smartphones and selfies, but for many of us it still feels weird and uncomfortable. My clients often say that one of the things that has stopped them thus far from getting updated images of themselves is that they feel awkward having their pictures taken. They’re not necessarily self-conscious – although that’s nothing to be ashamed of – but they just don’t know how to be themselves when there’s a camera being shoved in their face.


So today, I’m here to help.

Here are some helpful tips to being more authentic in front of the camera:

1) Practice!

Stand in front of your phone and capture some pictures yourself. Try out different poses and facial expressions and even outfits, and see what you like. Have a friend take some pictures of you with your phone while you’re out and about. Spend time posing in front of the mirror. All of this might feel slightly embarrassing, but it will build your comfort level so that you’re ready for the pros when the camera comes out.


2) Hire a photographer who gets you

Not all photographers are created equal. Each one has a different process and style and some of them simply won’t vibe with you. That’s okay, but make sure you’re hiring someone who does. Research their style, check out their social media, have a conversation with them. If they make you feel comfortable, make you laugh, and the images they produce are the style you’re looking for: hire them immediately. That’s the magic combo.


3) Don’t take yourself too seriously

Try not to pose for every picture. I know that sounds counterproductive to the whole idea of a photoshoot, but trust me. The point of branding photography is capturing real life, true interactions with your people, and the client experience. Some of those things can’t, and shouldn’t, be posed. So instead of trying to look perfectly posed in every image, let things come naturally and disregard the camera. Make your art or talk to your clients or work on your business like you would any other day. Like I tell my clients: “just go about your business, but pretend you’re REALLY enjoying it.” That typically gets a good laugh, which incidentally gets great pictures. 😉

 These may seem like small ways to feel like you’re being authentic.

And maybe they are.

But every small shift in your mindset and in the way you carry yourself can make huge differences in your pictures. If you truly let yourself relax and trust the process, you’ll get stunning images that showcase who you are, what you do, the way you make clients feel, and all the ways you can improve the lives of the people you serve. What could be better than that?

When you’re ready to show up for your followers in an authentic and beautiful way, book a call.

All my packages are completely customized to fit the needs of your business. Plus, I’ll make sure to help you feel comfortable and gorgeous in front of my camera. I can’t wait to create with you!


Photo Post: Theater and nature collide in these senior portraits


Photo Post: Group Branding at Studio Bespoke